April Member Spotlight: Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary provides sanctuary for elderly animals and educational services to students in Palm Beach County. The agency saw the number of animals in its care triple during the pandemic, and thanks to the help from foundations, it was able to open a small clinic to handle the additional animals. Read more below about the organization and its mission in the our community.
1) Explain what is Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary, and what your organization offers the community.
Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary is dedicated to the homeless animals of Palm Beach County. Those at risk of being euthanized.
To date we have rescued nearly 1300 dogs, dozens of cats, and hundreds of farm animals. We have completed 1,200 families, bringing companionship and love into their lives through adoption. Barky Pines provides sanctuary for elderly animals to live out their lives with us, and educational services to students in PBC.
2) How has COVID 19 impacted your operations?
Since the beginning of the pandemic intake, the number of animals we care for has tripled. The shutdown forced vet clinics to not perform elective surgeries, such as spay/neuter. This created an abundance of puppies and kittens being born, nowhere near the number of homes available, causing a major overpopulation crisis. Add to that the economic fallout which forced many to give up their pets.
Early 2022, thanks to the generosity of our community and amazing foundations, we opened a small clinic. We provide low cost or free spay and neuter services to help quell the overpopulation issues we face here in PBC.
3) How has Nonprofit First helped your organization?
We are grateful to be a member of Nonprofits First. Not only does Nonprofits First bring awareness to our mission, but also it connects us with likeminded professionals who can assist us in our mission.
Learn more about Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary here: barkypinesanimalrescue.com
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Allegany Franciscan Ministries

Childrens Services Council

Quantum Foundation

Wells Fargo

Kingdom Charitable Foundation

PBC Sheriff

Cultural Council


Capital One

Nason Yeager