July 2023 Nonprofit Member Spotlight
Disability Awareness Month: Coalition for Independent Living Options (CILO)
Coalition for Independent Living Options helps people with disabilities learn life, social, and job skills as well as get rent and utility payments, food delivery, and trauma counseling.
The nonprofit also uses donations to modify homes for seniors, including installing ramps and grab bars for showers and toilets.
We asked the CEO Dan E. Shorter to tell us more about the organization and how people can support it during Disability Awareness Month in July.
1. Tell us about your mission and cause.
For free CILO assists 5,500+ neighbors with disabilities annually -- half of whom have been victims of a violent crime, too. Services include teaching life, social, and job skills, rent & utility payments, food delivery, trauma counseling, flu & COVID vaccinations, and anti-bullying courses. CILO also pays for home modifications to ensure people with disabilities can safely get in and out of their residences and easily utilize kitchens, bathrooms, and showers.
2. July is Disability Awareness Month. Tell us about your initiatives, and how the community can get involved.
Households coping with disabilities tend to have lower-paying jobs and struggle financially. We need financial donations to modify homes such as window ACs for seniors, ramps, and grab bars for showers & toilets. Checks can be mailed to Home Modifications, Coalition for Independent Living Options, 4400 N. Congress Ave., Suite 201, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
3. How has membership in and being accredited through Nonprofits First benefited your organization?
Iron sharpens iron. Being part of the Nonprofits First exacting review process has made us a much more efficient and capable organization. We're extremely proud to have earned Nonprofits First's highest level of excellence.
Learn more about CILO here: https://www.cilo.org

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Allegany Franciscan Ministries

Childrens Services Council

Quantum Foundation

Wells Fargo

Kingdom Charitable Foundation

PBC Sheriff

Cultural Council


Capital One

Nason Yeager