October 2023 Nonprofit Member Spotlight
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - The Promise Fund of Florida
The Promise Fund of Florida works tirelessly every day to ensure that underinsured and uninsured women have access to timely and quality breast and cervical cancer treatment and resources. In Palm Beach County (PBC), almost half (45%) of cervical cancers and almost one-third (30%) of breast cancers are at an advanced stage when diagnosed, and Promise Fund is committed to ending late-stage deaths from breast and cervical cancer.
The nonprofit helps patients receive screenings, logistics support, care, and more – regardless of ability to pay. Promise Fund has educated, screened, navigated, and treated over 18,000 women in Palm Beach County. By 2024 the goal is to reach all 80,000 uninsured women in our community.
The Promise Fund of Florida was recently honored as Nonprofit of the Year for the medium-size category in the seventh annual Hats Off Nonprofit Awards.
We asked the organization’s staff to tell us more about what they do, and how we can best support them.
Tell us about your mission and cause:
Our primary mission is to eliminate preventable deaths and improve outcomes for women who face numerous barriers in obtaining essential breast and cervical healthcare.
Tell us about your initiatives, and how the community can get involved:
Our approach, known as the Promise Fund Continuum of Care Model, is a game-changer in ensuring that every woman, regardless of her circumstances, has access to life-saving cancer resources. The community can help by spreading the word!
How has membership in Nonprofits First benefited your organization?
The ability to network with like-minded professionals in the charitable sector has allowed us to establish meaningful relationships which will lead to more outreach and impact for those we serve.
Learn more about Promise Fund of Florida here: promisefundofflorida.org

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Allegany Franciscan Ministries

Childrens Services Council

Quantum Foundation

Wells Fargo

Kingdom Charitable Foundation

PBC Sheriff

Cultural Council


Capital One

Nason Yeager