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Our Impact

Furthering your mission is our mission.

Together we empower the nonprofit sector to solve the most important and urgent issues facing our communities. At Nonprofits First, collaborative impact is achieved through our Community Circle — diverse yet connected missions and partners working together to foster the greater good and wellbeing of all, from our environments and systems to the people and living things they sustain.

Setting the Standard

The nonprofit profession looks to us daily for solutions that guide and strengthen mission operations. Two important areas of focus enable our member organizations to succeed:

  • Accreditation. Nonprofits First’s exclusive process builds the foundation for organizational achievement and sustainability.
  • Leadership Development. Our expert programs equip both rising and senior level staff to lead growth and improve outcomes within their agencies and across the sector.
Setting the Standard logo

What impact looks like.

Greater Capacity and Funding

$110 million was awarded in 2022 to Nonprofits First Accredited organizations from funders requiring Accreditation.

Leveraged Resources

Data shows Nonprofits First Accredited organizations are more likely to be recognized and rewarded by funders for collaborations that result in greater mission outcomes.


100% of Nonprofits First Accredited organizations surveyed cite higher quality and performance in all aspects of operations and mission impact.


100% of Rising and Advancing Leaders graduates attribute growth and improved outcomes within their organizations to Nonprofits First professional development.

“The Nonprofits First community is nothing short of inspirational. In the past, we helped one grassroots organization raise nearly $40,000 during one day of giving. Talk about working together to make an impact!”

Erica Linguanti, Director of Marketing
Achieve Causes

Nonprofits are building a better, stronger world. Nonprofits First is also a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. View our Form 990.

Please support this work with your gift today.

Thank You to Our Hats Off Nonprofit Awards 2024 Sponsors

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